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Award Winning

DoorPRO Doorstop Winner LUXlife Resort and Retreat Awards

We are excited to receive LUXlife's Resorts & Retreats Award for the second year! LUXlife Magazine is a premium lifestyle publication which was founded in 2015 by the publishing company AI Global Media Ltd. Distributed to a circulation of 238,000 globally, LUXlife focuses on a range of topics within the luxury lifestyle industry, featuring articles on; fashion, beauty, fine dining, travel, luxury real estate and much more. Within our pages you’ll find everything from product news and reviews, to in-depth pieces on trends, features and comment; all designed to inform, entertain and inspire. The resorts and retreats industry is a multi-trillion dollar leviathan that – in many cases – single-handedly fuels economies. That much remains true even considering the disruptive uncertainty that 2020 brought upon the industry. Today, it remains as competitive as ever, with success being intrinsically tied to expertise, experience, and client-centricity. This is, above all else, a sphere defined by the pursuit for perfection. [...]

By |2021-09-14T22:33:20+00:00September 14th, 2021|DoorPro|0 Comments

DoorPRO is an Industry Standard

DoorPRO Doorstop, has been established as a standard in the hospitality industry. Making a statement with its “Best New Product Award” in 2005 at the International Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Show in New York City, DoorPRO is a revolutionary product that promotes efficiency and professionalism while eliminating the need to bend over. The DoorPRO was developed in the Las Vegas market in 2005 and Vegas Doorstop Industries Inc has taken the product throughout the US and international. It is being used at thousands of hotels, including 6 major hospitality distributors which could place the product into over 50,000 hotels and motels worldwide. A Las Vegas bellman designed and developed a new doorstop product that was easy to use, decreased property damage and was safer than the old-fashioned models. The company’s success was in understanding the needs of hotel operators and its employees. Former Bellman makes leap to entrepreneurship When the idea was developed, the company started direct selling to the hotel purchasing [...]

By |2017-06-09T04:52:47+00:00September 9th, 2016|DoorPro|Comments Off on DoorPRO is an Industry Standard

9360 W. Flamingo Road
Suite 110-220, Las Vegas, NV 89147

Ph: (702) 524-6230
Fax: (866) 805-1020
email: sales@doorprodoorstop.com


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