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finger injuries

Reducing the Risk of Door Slams at School

How are you preventing door slams at your school?   Education facilities have a lot of doors. Big steel doors. This presents an increased risk of injury, either through students being hit by opening or closing doors or through getting fingers trapped between doors or in hinges.   Finger trapping injuries are the most common accidents caused by doors, while injuries caused by being hit with a door can be more serious.   It is important that school and college administrators look to reduce the risks by ensuring proper steps are taken to avoid these injuries. The DoorPRO Doorstop is easy to use and safely and efficiently keeps the door open.

By |2019-08-07T00:50:28+00:00August 5th, 2019|DoorPro|0 Comments

Protecting Children’s Fingers from Door Injuries

Finger Injuries can be prevented A 20-month-old child lost the tip of his finger after getting it caught in the hinge-side of a large metal door. Multiple employees were working at the child care center and all children were well supervised at the time of the incident. As one employee began taking another child outside, the 20-month-old followed and was trapped by the door. Even though the door was equipped with a slowing mechanism, the child was unable to avoid injury. Several surgeries were required because the child’s bone continued to grow through the finger. Eventually, the entire nail was removed and the tip was amputated. The National Safety Council reports that more than 300,000 door-related injuries requiring emergency room treatment take place each year. Children, especially those under the age of four, suffer most door-related injuries that ultimately require amputation. Like other hazards young children face everyday, door-related injuries are easily preventable. A number of inexpensive and highly-effective products, like the [...]

By |2017-06-09T04:52:47+00:00May 12th, 2017|DoorPro|0 Comments

9360 W. Flamingo Road
Suite 110-220, Las Vegas, NV 89147

Ph: (702) 524-6230
Fax: (866) 805-1020
email: sales@doorprodoorstop.com


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